Gold Diggers Bean Counters & “Miss Management”
Publish Year: 2019
Author: Mack Stout
Part memoir, part cautionary tale, and all true, Mack Stout’s new book makes sense of the dog-eat-dog world in the only way he knows how – by calling out sociopathic behavior in a way that is both thought-provoking and laugh-out-loud funny.
Mack Stout decided to document his experiences with job pressures after the company that he worked for was acquired by a competitor. The transition resulted in going from a small company with a few dozen employees to a corporate machine with several hundred workers spread out nationwide. He experienced the downside of office politics and skirting anti-discrimination laws.
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In this excerpt from the book, the author describes his feelings when he learns that the company he works for has been acquired by a computer. Excerpt from Gold Diggers, Bean Counters and Miss Management